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Your first 10 lessons
Lesson 1
Let's get started with some basics (6:52)
Parts of the Guitar (7:14)
How to Tune Your Guitar (6:32)
Names of the Strings (1:13)
How to read the notes on the staff (5:28)
Playing Your First Open Chord (3:34)
Lesson 2
Notes on your first string (5:49)
Sight Reading on the First String (6:10)
Understanding Basic Rhythms Part 1 (5:19)
Understanding Basic Rhythms Part 2 (7:13)
how to read guitar tablature (14:54)
Learning to play the open G chord (5:07)
Learning to play the open C chord (2:38)
Lesson 3
Notes on your second string (3:23)
Sight Reading on the Second String (3:45)
Rhythm 1 (4:52)
learning the open E chord (1:39)
Learning the open E minor chord (1:29)
Lesson 4
notes on the third string (3:05)
Sight reading on your third string (3:09)
Rhythm 2 (6:15)
Learning to play the open A chord (2:52)
Learning to play the open A minor chord (1:45)
The easiest way to get soloing (9:14)
Lesson 5
Notes on the 4th string (3:24)
Sight reading on the 4th string (9:32)
Rhythm 3 (3:28)
Strum this open chord progression 1 (6:12)
Backing track | strum this open chord progression 1: exercise 1 (5:02)
How to play a power chord (11:56)
How to play the blues scale (11:15)
Lesson 6
Notes on the fifth string (2:56)
Sight reading on the 5th string (4:28)
Rhythm 4 (6:44)
Strum this open chord progression 2 (2:54)
Power chord exercise 1 (4:22)
learning to play an open D minor chord (2:06)
Lesson 7
Notes on your 6th string (2:48)
Sight reading on your 6th string (4:16)
Rhythm 5 (3:42)
Strum this open chord progression 3 (3:27)
power chord exercise 2 (7:26)
12 Bar blues in E (8:04)
Lesson 8
Play a C on every string (5:13)
Rhythm 6 (4:20)
strum this open chord progression 4 (3:16)
Power chord exercise 3 (5:29)
Drop D tuning (2:15)
Drop D tuning exercise (3:35)
Lesson 9
Play a G on every string (4:34)
Rhythm 7 (3:06)
Strum this open chord progression 5 (3:10)
Power chord exercise 4 (3:28)
Tune down a half step (2:51)
How to play a barre chord (8:43)
Lesson 10
Play a D on every string (2:43)
Rhythm 8 (3:06)
Strum this open chord progression 6 (3:59)
Power chord exercise 5 (4:35)
Lead guitar techniques - bends (7:27)
Lead guitar techniques - hammer ons (2:26)
Lead guitar techniques - pull offs (1:58)
Lead guitar techniques - vibrato (2:50)
Lead guitar techniques - double stops (2:05)
Lead guitar techniques - rhythm (2:08)
Lead guitar techniques - scales (2:04)
Lead guitar techniques - dynamics (1:34)
Lead guitar techniques - don't be affraid to fail (3:06)
Guitar Riffs and Easy Songs to Play
Happy Birthday (9:41)
Silent Night (13:01)
Star Wars Main Theme (5:43)
Batman Theme (2:56)
Hells Bells by ACDC (8:53)
Fade To Black by Metallica (6:55)
Day Tripper by the Beatles (6:06)
Money by Pink Floyd (3:43)
Enter Sandman by Metallica (2:12)
Back in Black by ACDC (11:24)
Layla by Eric Clapton (Derek and the Dominos) (15:00)
Come as You Are by Nirvana (3:19)
Beat It by Michael Jackson (3:08)
I Can't Get No by the Rolling Stones (2:09)
Sunshine of Your Love by Cream (Eric Clapton) (2:20)
Oh Pretty Woman By Orbison (1:39)
Crazy Train small by Ozzy Osbourne (7:08)
Iron Man by Black Sabbath (2:59)
Seven Nation Army by White Stripes (2:04)
La Grange by ZZ Top (12:32)
Smoke On The Water by Deep Purple (3:00)
Paranoid by Black Sabbath (3:44)
Learn a Guitar Riff | Crazy Train (7:28)
Learn a Guitar Riff | Back in Black (11:24)
Learn a Guitar Riff | Layla (15:00)
Learn a Guitar Riff | Paranoid (3:44)
Learn a Guitar Riff | Day Tripper (6:06)
Teach online with
Lead guitar techniques - bends
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